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  • WP43 | Charlie Harrison Art

    WP43 (Collaboration with Matt Redman ) 2014 Work Programme 43. Matt Redman & Charles Robert Harrison at Community Arts Centre, Brighton. Previous Project Next Project

  • Sculptures & Placements | Charlie Harrison Art

    Back to Sculpture, Installation & Intervention Next Project

  • Study Projects | Charlie Harrison Art

    Study Projects (Painting) 2013-15 Installed at UCL Dementia Research Centre, London Back

  • #7 | Charlie Harrison Art

    #7 2016 On the 4th July 2016 the sun rose in Brighton at 4:54am. This work contributed to The KOOP PROJECT - a 10 month exhibitions programme taking place between November 2015 – August 2016 in Brighton, curated by Katie Simpson. More information here. Previous Project Next Project

  • Conditions for Ongoingness | Charlie Harrison Art

    Natural Resources Home About Conditions for Ongoingness (Documentation) 2018 Conditions for Ongoingness was a project furthering investigation into the symbiotic nature of human and non-human systems. The exhibition at Jupiter Woods reflected on a two-day permaculture workshop led by artist and environmentalist Charles Pryor in October 2017 and new works by invited artists considered our entwined relationship with the environment and with each other. More information here Previous Project Natural Resources Homepage

  • Natural Resources | Charlie Harrison Art

    Home About Natural Resources This series of projects is exploring documentation, skills development, ecology, public sculpture and creative community leadership, primarily based in South Lincolnshire. This section shows some initial evolutions in artistic practice around photography, slow making, performance and learning alongside plans for an artist residency & development programme which hopes to support rural creatives and communities from Spring 2025. Photographic Studies, 2021-present Documentation of objects and places Gallery Walk, 2025 Artist residency and development programme (funding TBC) Sculpture / painting studies, 2020-present Clay-making, pottery, painting and sculpture. Pumping station mapping Work in progress Water testing, 2019 Water sample testing workshop for News Seasonal School Conditions for Ongoingness, 2018 Workshop documentation Back to Sculpture, Installation & Intervention On to Interdisciplinary Projects

  • Wet Paint on Wall | Charlie Harrison Art

    Wet Paint on Wall 2017/18 Wet Paint signs are stuck to different walls and visited periodically to see how long they stay up. Previous Project Next Project

  • House & Garden | Charlie Harrison Art

    House & Garden The house was built in 1840 on allotment land. To this day, the house cannot be reached by car and must be accessed by a public footpath from the village of Pinchbeck. Locked in by waterways, the kitchen looks out over changing agricultural fields to the River Glen, the water tower and beyond. The garden is established, with three old apple trees, cherry blossom, rosehip, ivy and creeping buttercup. The overgrown plot which neighbour's the site is home to many birds and wildlife, and Gallery Walk's garden has been home to our rabbits Leyla & Boris, and lurcher Peggy. Home House & Garden Studio Space Produce Skills & Activities Let’s Work Together Get in touch so we can start working together.

  • Bollards II | Charlie Harrison Art

    Bollards II, 2018 10 replica bollards were planted in selected pedestrian locations around Deptford (for DeptfordX Fringe). Documentation of public interactions with the bollards were recorded and broadcast live online. Previous Project NextProject

  • OD Drawings | Charlie Harrison Art

    OD Home . Drawings . Paintings . Digital . Prototypes

  • Graphene | Charlie Harrison Art

    Graphene 2014 - present What are our material obligations towards disruptive technologies? This project explores the ways a ‘wonder-material’ is considered, produced and consumed in an increasingly hostile and unstable environment. A single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice, graphene is the thinnest, strongest and most conductive material on the planet and truly two-dimensional. Graphene has been continually lauded since its isolation by Prof Andre Geim and Prof Kostya Novoselov at the University of Manchester in 2004 and it has the potential to revolutionise energy, membranes, composites, sensors, electronics and biomedical technologies. Advancements in the study of the material provide hope but may also perpetuate troubling human structures and activities. Similarly, DIY materialists and basement experimenters may produce ill-fated fortunes or socially considerate designs. Previous Project Next Project

  • DYCP | Charlie Harrison Art

    ACE Developing Your Creative Practice - Supporting Imagery & Information Please find below some imagery and information in support of my Developing Your Creative Practice application. The proposed work would seek to expand on my knowledge of filmmaking techniques and especially in the use of 16mm equipment. The primary theme and location for this work would be Lincolnshire and the fens - I am interested in the area of the fens which was historically reclaimed from the sea. I want to understand the history of water management in this environment and those who have lived and continue to live here. The below work details some initial exploration of these techniques and themes, including previous experience of filmmaking, working with landscape imagery in Scotland, and people living with rare dementias. Further information is given about projects which have explored water management systems, the land and materials of the fens, and relationships between human and non-human systems. I have also included some links to relevant information about important sites, archives, centres of knowledge and cultural context for the proposed development work. LINCS 2020 Experiments with clay-making, pottery and painting. Experience with Filmmaking the 'Neva' is a multichannel video installation about dementia, narration and the landscapes of a test. Are the voices of people with dementia diminished by cognitive testing materials? This film demonstrates individual capacities for expression through narration whilst exploring creative, historical and aesthetic qualities hidden in a scientific test of reading. Featuring 6 narrators who encounter a range of challenges with reading; from perceiving letters and words, to speaking them aloud or understanding their meaning, the film aims to highlight retained strengths for communication through bodily gesture, facial intonation and the playful drive to express oneself. The short passage that is narrated in the film is commonly used by neurologists when assessing reading abilities, and it was devised by Prof Elizabeth K Warrington as part of the Queens Square Screening Test for Cognitive Defects. The text includes details from Prof. Warrington’s own personal history and the film creatively explores these names, places and objects in association with the narrations. This project has been funded by the Created Out of Mind residency at Wellcome Collection, London and UCL. The film will be toured around the UK throughout 2019, funded by a Wellcome Public Engagement grant. Installation & touring documentation can be found here Preliminary work related to themes in the DYCP application Water Storage 2019-present Diagrammatic drawings & paintings based on water management systems LINCS 2020 Experiments with clay-making and pottery, using soil from agricultural field. WATER TESTING for N — E º W ˝( S ) Seasonal School Between 11th - 15th March 2019, a series of workshops and practical experiments led by ten selected participants took place at Jupiter Woods, expanding on the states of domestic chaos and order by producing visual and critical responses. Research, documentation, conversations and materials produced during the week were consolidated in an exhibition. More Information Here Reading 1 – Old Dykes I Have Known Reading 2 – Punt & Plough Written Text - Dirty Waters Conditions for Ongoingness was a project furthering investigation into the symbiotic nature of human and non-human systems. The exhibition included documentation reflecting on a two-day permaculture workshop led by artist and environmentalist Charles Pryor in October 2017 and new works by invited artists considered our entwined relationship with the environment and with each other. More information here Links 16mm Camera Familiarisation Course The Outer Trial Bank Pinchbeck Marsh Pumping Station Flag Fen Archeological Park Fenland Collection ST Neots Museum The Hallaton Hoard at Harborough Museum Information about staff restructuring at South Holland Centre, Spalding

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